- CAS: 67-68-5
- HS 29309099
- Melting Point: 18.4 °C
- Boiling Point: 189 °C
- Density: 1.103 kg/l
- Refractive Index: 20/D 1.477
- Specifications:
- Minimum assay (G.C.): 99.9 %
- Identity: IR passes test
- Refractive Index n 20/D: 1.477 - 1.480
- Maximum limit of impurities
- APHA colour: 10
- Suitability for analysis of residual solvents CG/HS :
- Solvents of class 1 according to ICH: 0.5 ppm
- Solvents of class 2 according to ICH: 5 ppm
- Solvents of class 3 according to ICH: 25 ppm
- Water (H2O): 0.04 %